Friday, February 27, 2009

Day Five

I had my same cereal, I love it. It fills me up and I feel great for a couple of hours. I received this information in my inbox from the Bob Greene newsletter. It makes sense to me. I like his stuff, and it feels quite normal.

Taken from the Newsletter:
"Quells appetite. Having a light meal (like plain toast and coffee or a green salad with low-fat dressing), or skipping it altogether may seem virtuous. But later, your hunger will come roaring to life and suddenly you'll devour everything in sight. Eating a complete breakfast (about 400 calories), an adequate lunch (at least 450 calories) and complete dinner (500 calories or more) about four hours apart prevents that dangerous hunger attack. And when between-meal cravings mount, a healthy snack does the trick. "

I often get hunger attacks, especially after long runs, or preparing for a run. I have stomach troubles if I eat too close to my runs. So, I stop eating HOURS (usually 4 hours feels good) so you can imagine running a minimum of 6 km and how hungry I would feel. I would fill myself up with whatever I could shove in. Now I have been trying to have protein with every meal. I also need to up my fats (according to I am always low. So, I try to eat more nuts etc.

Two more days until my first weight in! I cannot wait. I just feel so like I am going to reach my goal this time. Funny how a little money motivation works for me! LOL. Cliff too! It is nice to have both of us eating so healthy. Kids are eating healthy too. Love that! Some of our girls have been requesting Daddy's salads!

Tonight, I plan on finding some sort of cardio for one hour. I plan on doing something every day! Atleast get out and move. The more I do, the better I feel. The easier eating healthy becomes. I skipped my cardio as my knee is just needing rest to handle the 20 km run this weekend. Thankfully kilometres jump down by six, and then they bump way up! I am still looking for a physio, but there is nothing available ANYWHERE until middle of next week or later. That is a bummer.

Tonight I found an outfit for my spot on Urban Rush this Tuesday, March 3rd. We walked around forever. I finally found an outfit I love, and will be happy to wear on camera.

We ate turkey lites @ Quiznos, and shared a bag of baked lays. Walked some more. Picked up a grande decaf non fat no whip mocha. And we split a biscotti. I am too full now. I feel all bloated. Thankfully that means my stomach is shrinking!

I am so tired. I need rest! Need to mentally prepare for my run this weekend. And of course for Tuesday afternoon. Wow. 

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